Friday, September 15, 2006

Work-Life Balance?

It’s a common knowledge to everyone close to me that I really had a hard time during the 4th quarter of the year 2005. It really was a crappy couple of months both on my personal and professional life. I had problems coming at me from all sides! Crazy crazy crazy times! Lovelife was going way way down… (caused by a monster! monster! monster!) and my work…. let’s just say I became a loner during my first few months at my work. Now everything seems to be going fine… better than fine (can’t think of a better word). I now even enjoy going to the office… of course not because of the work but because of my workmates… =) I have a scheduled Work-From-Home today but I still chose to go to the office. Hahaha. (Gabz and Jam don’t be too flattered!) Most of them are now my close friends. We even go out together! It’s not enough that we see each other every single workday. LOLZ! So happy that I got to know this group of people. Especially my girls, Tin and Cel! *WINK*