Just moments ago, I made my biggest faux pas ever. There I was with Dee and Cel, having a pleasant conversation… and I just said it! I knew there was something wrong as the words were coming out of my mouth… wahahahahaha! Like somehow my spirit lifted out of my body and I was looking down at myself while I was speaking! I think my face got redder (if there is such a term) than Cels' sisters’ no-load, borrowed Motorola pink phone!!!
I just hope Dee and Cel did not get offended! I swear! No offense meant… uh… guilty much???
Sorry na!!! Luvyah guys!
I just hope Dee and Cel did not get offended! I swear! No offense meant… uh… guilty much???
Sorry na!!! Luvyah guys!
The pain has been done. It can never be brought back. My heart will forever be destroyed and mangled by the words that have pierced it. It can never recover from the verbal attack that it suffered and it will be eternally crying. I can only hope that I can still live my everyday life without thinking much of the damage it has brought me.
Hehe! Just playing with you! Love you Frey!
Dear Randy,
Wounds brought by words are deep, but all wounds mend in time. So
if you find it in your heart to forgive then set it in your mind. Will your emotions to subside, will your mind to forget. Don't let this incident rob you of the happiness that you deserve. Free your heart of the burden and grudge that you are carrying. You will see that all is good and that life is once more full of meaning. Learn to forgive and let go, as Martin Luther King Jr. said "We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love."
As a man of faith, I have learned that forgiveness is a must. I have let go of all bad feelings and turned them into positive things. Even if people step on my very soul, I have learned not to retaliate and eradicate the bad words. Like Martin Luther King Jr. said "We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love."
Amen to that!
I am having so much fun with this! Hehehehe! Love you Frey!
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